Jacques Delsemme

Programs and Scripts

Programs and scripts written as part of my work at UC Santa Cruz. They undoubtedly fall under the UC Regents copyrights, but are freely distributable as far as I know. Send mail to jacques@ucsc.edu to report bugs and suggest improvements.

The most important ones are listed below. Contact me for others not listed here.

A cgi-bin script to authenticate and authorize people to download files (usually software).
A cgi-bin Perl script that sends the data from an HTML form to an email address you specify as a hidden field.
Perl script to check dead links on HTML pages, and send results to person maintaining the page.
Perl script to create an HTML index page from a directory containing a series of HTML pages and/or subdirectories.
A cgi-bin script that is used to reserve items in a flat text file. It has been used to reserve time slots in a class (to schedule student presentations), but could be used to reserve any item from a list of items.
Perl script to create a set of HTML index pages from a series of HTML software pages organized in a standard way.
Perl script to create course syllabuses; it lets you place standard course information such as syllabus, office hours, and class assignments on the web.
Perl script to upload arbitrary files from your local disk to the web server.
A set of Perl scripts used to tabulate how often people access your web pages.
Perl front end to the Swish-e search engine.
W3C validators: check nu css links https://www.delsemme.org/jacques/work/scripts/index.php
Last modified Sunday, January 1, 2017 @ 09:30pm