Kevin J Anderson: Captain Nemo

Friday, June 30, 2017

You'll like this book if you are a fan of Jules Verne, and it is a good introduction of his work if you're new to him. Jules Verne can be overly verbose in his descriptions (which is part of its charm as well), and this is a much more compact get acquainted version of many of his books. It assumes that Captain Nemo was a real friend of Jules Verne and had most of the adventures he created in his books (he even takes part in stories where he does not appear). At the same time, you will learn about the real Jules Verne as well. I had read earlier Herbert R Lottman's biography based on Verne's correspondence, and Anderson's book compares favorably (albeit being shorter with some fictional elements). So it's a good way to get a quick flavor of Jules Verne and his works.

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